A swimming pool filter is used to remove debris from the pool. For this, you need a pool filter that is good in quality. In the far distant past it was not uncommon to drain the pool when the water quality deteriorated and refill it with fresh water. All pools today must have a properly sized and installed filter. The size of the filter is determined by determining the size of the pool in gallons and dividing it by Four Hundred and Eighty. The resulting number is the gallons of water that the filter must be
capable of handling per minute (eight hours x 60 minutes per hour). For example: 80 GPM. The swimming pool pump must be capable of pumping this number of gallons. There are other factors that should be considered, but this discussion we will ignore them. The pump and filter are sized to the gallons of the pool, the pressure of the filter should be within the normal specifications for the filter. A larger filter will lower the operating pressure and increase the time in-between cleaning the filter.

There are three types of swimming pool filters, they are D.E, sand system and cartridge filters. Each has its own characteristics, cost, ease of use, and water quality.
Cartridge filters are made of paper like material, supported on a frame. When water comes into the filter, the debris is captured on the substrate and the clean water is passed back to the pool. The cartridge portion of the filter must be replaced periodically, typical every two to four years. While cartridge filters can be used on any size pool, larger pools require larger filters. Replacing these larger filter elements can be costly. Therefore, cartridge filters are best suited for small to medium sized pools.
While sand filters are less efficient than cartridges. There ease of use not having to buy replacement cartridges is a great economic advantage. Sand filters, water enters the top of the filter, flows downward through the sand and back to the pool. Sand filters are best for medium and large pools. If water quality is maintained properly the sand could easily last 5-10 or more years.

I also recommend cartridge pool filters as best pool filters to the pool owner. Cartridge pool filters are the best option for every pool owner who are concerned about their pool. PoolFilters.Biz is a reliable online store where you can purchase quality cartridges of all top branded at the variable price.